Software and websites that work.

CodeLogistics provides middle-to-middle software non-solutions for problems which are yet to be

Screenshot of clicker

Web Apps: Install Websites as Apps

Install websites as desktop apps, so that they appear in their own windows separate from any browsers installed. This is similar to the “Install as App” feature found in popular web browsers.

Clicker: Simulate user input repeatedly

Clicker is an auto clicker – it can simulate user input like mouse clicks and key presses repeatedly at given intervals for a given duration. This is useful in some video games.

A passion for creating chaos

Software manufacturing

Armed with hours of experience, our code monke can make more software per minute than any of our competitors

Ecology rehabilitation

We have single-handedly rescued millions of bugs from being fixed and have released them into the wilds of GitHub

Quality assurance

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Our world-class consultants can solve all your consultancy needs, and know what the word ‘consulting’ means in this context

Artificially Intelligent

Our programmers are experts i”Your free trial of our text generation model has ended. Please upgrade your plan to continue

Architectural Solutions

We are the inventors of the world’s most reliable brick manufacturing process which only uses smartphones as raw material