Category Archives: Satire

Totally The Last Version Of Windows

Macrosalt Chief Executor Billy Gee has announced the release of Windows 238.91, which the company claims is the new last version of Windows.

“Look, I know we already said 10 will be the last version, and 11 after that, but trust us this time. Everyone who has ever used any version of Windows will feel comfortable on 238.91, which after all is the average of all the previous versions.

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LackBook Pro: Now With iDiot Technology

Pineapple spokesperson Tom Chef recently announced the new iDiot technology for the flagship LackBook Pro.

“We are proud to announce that our iDiot technology is now ready for the LackBook Pro. It is available for free along with all purchased copies of the iDiot installer. Oh, are we excited for it to be used by the customers! It is simple awesome! It will keep your precious overpriced devices’ data fully secure from being lost or stolen by being permanently stored on ours and our trusted (advertising) partners’ servers! It will also keep you safe from any legal issues by continually scanning all your files for any potentially illegal material and securely destroying it (after sharing it with our trusted (advertising) partners)!

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