how i created my own website

To those of you wondering whether I have actually tried the steps mentioned here, I am the idiot who actually did all this. I made a Raspberry Pi server (without dynamic IP or DNS) just to test whether the 8-page article I wrote actually works. I shut it down after running it for about 2 minutes (I soon figured out my ever-useful Raspberry Pi Zero would not survive a single DDos attack (distributed denial-of-service attack- basically, so many devices try to access a website that the server overheats and explodes. Usually the aim is to shut down the website.) Guess it will now be used for hosting a minetest server as soon as I get how to do it

How to set up your own website (extreme hardcore version)

[Note: In one of the several server and hosting provider changes the images in this post have been unfortunately lost. Maybe you are better off not taking advice on how to make websites from me.__]

There are many reasons why you would want to have your own website. Maybe you want to advertise your shop or maybe you just want a blog. Maybe you want to create a website on how to create a website. Then its readers will make a website on how to make a website…

Continue reading How to set up your own website (extreme hardcore version)